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Monasterio de Piedra

Monasterio de Piedra
Picture of the Monasterio de Piedra (Zaragoza)
Date: Sep-2008
Camera: Sony DSC-H5
Comments: The monastery was built during the period of transition from the Romanesque to the Gothic style, representing a good example of the OrderĀ“s own characteristic architectural style. The monks lived here for almost 700 years from 1195 to 1835. During this period they were forced to abandon the Monastery on three occasions. The first was in 1808, when it was occupied by French forces during the War of Independence, the second was from 1820 to 1823, during the Liberal Triennium, and the third and final time was in 1835 when the Monastery was confiscated by Mendizabal. It was bought in 1840 by Pablo Muntadas Campeny and became private property

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Architecture/Buildings (248)Zaragoza (37)

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